CPR System adopts a circular management system that does not put more waste into the environment, a virtuous cycle that focuses on resource rationalization
CPR System is the one-of-a-kind business reality in Italy that proposes packaging re-use as an efficient and sustainable handling model in the fruit and vegetables pooling, and other important sectors, such as meat and fish.
Today, CPR accounts for more than 1000 members that represent the whole sector chain, from production to distribution and ancillary services; moreover, it also offers non-member companies a competitive rent and management crate and pallet service that is efficiency- and transparency-based. The management is by the subsidiary FCLog.
CPR System is a type of circular management system that does not put more waste into the environment.
CPR System recovers empty packaging from points of sales, to wash and put it again into the cycle. That is a virtuous cycle whose uniqueness is conveyed by the highest economic efficiency, service quality, and environmental and sustainability awareness.
Environment-friendly attitude can be found in any production process through a Zero Waste strategy, which sets that any non-reusable packaging is sent to a local supplier to be transformed into regenerated plastic, part of which will be used to generate a new crate.
CPR System’s entire crate production and processing process applies water and power use rationalization by means of a co-generation plant for washing water heating, thus getting remarkable energy saving and environmental protection.
As regards sustainability, it is also worth saying that CPR System wood pallets are PEFC certified, a seal that evidences the safeguard of the forests. Wood pallets are also created with recycled wood blocks in such a way as to apply to wood as well the sustainability and recycle principles usually characterizing the plastic crate production process.
A unique model that has been supporting sustainability for more than twenty years and that today is the core of a growth process that rewards investments in R&D, innovation and environmental protection in a the strongly evolving packaging sector.