Filtec: The origin, the product offering, the strengths

FILTECThe key word? Customization

Founded by the Baracco family, Filtec is an Italian company active for over 30 years in the sector of filtration and granulation of plastic materials. Gianfranco Baracco, the founder, thanks to his consolidated experience in the thermoplastic automatism sector, has been able to combine passion and competence to create an innovative and dynamic company since its early years. After over twenty years at the helm of the company, the lead has passed to his son Giovanni, who, together with his collaborators, continues to drive Filtec with the same determination and vision as his father. Among the key collaborators stands out Maria Elena Veronese, Sales & Marketing Director, Giovanni’s right hand in many operations.

With over 5,000 m2 of factories and an approach that encourage the craftsmanship and the Made in Italy quality, Filtec is not just a manufacturer of machinery, but a reliable partner for its customers, offering tailor-made solutions and guaranteeing constant performance over time. Today the company offers a complete range of machinery for the granulation and treatment of plastics. Among the best-known products are the Underwater Pelletizer (UW), with a fully immersed cutting system, and the Water Ring Pelletizer (GRO). These systems are appreciated for their versatility and ability to process a vast selection of thermoplastic materials, from masterbatches to compounds, and from glues to the most common polyolefins. In addition to these, Filtec’s production also includes vibrating screens, horizontal and vertical centrifuges, screen changers and water filtration and cooling systems. Thanks to this wide offering, Filtec responds effectively to the different needs of the market, guaranteeing systems tailored to customer needs and therefore highly customizable based on specific production needs.

Without doubts this great capacity for customization and craftsmanship represents one of the key factors of Filtec’s success. The attention to the customer covers all phases of the project, also involving him in the creation of the entire system, starting from the study of the solutions that best suit his needs. This elasticity in customization allows Filtec to maintain a competitive advantage in the long term, making it a complete, responsive and efficient supplier.


Aware of the importance of managing external relationships in an effective and virtuous manner, over the years Filtec has implemented a multilingual Help Desk system that facilitates relationships with customers from all over the world. This service allows the company to manage all requests for assistance and spare parts in a timely manner, thanks to a dedicated management system and excellent warehouse organisation. Finally, the company’s investments in new technologies are also in this direction to keep its systems at the cutting edge. The adoption of advanced software and integrated CRM systems allow a virtuous organization in sales and purchases, while ensuring a high level of quality and reliability of performance.

Filtec: Virtuous model in the culture of recycling plastic materials and equal opportunities

Alongside its activity as an industry leader, Filtec has been for years a virtuous model in the field of environmental sustainability and plastic recycling. The company is an official partner of the European project “Are you R“, aimed at raising awareness among the world’s population of the importance of recycling plastic materials. Thanks to its cutting systems, Filtec actively contributes to the recycling chain. The plastic pellets obtained by Filtec customers with these cutting systems are reused to create new products, thus reducing the dispersion of plastics into the environment.

At the same time, the Italian company is also committed to the recognition of equal opportunities through involvement in Women in Plastics, an Italian community founded last year by women active in the plastics sector. The activities of the group, in which Mrs. Maria Elena Veronese participates, aim to highlight women active in a field still too often considered “for men” and have brought (and will continue to bring) a breath of fresh air and opportunities of exchange in the sector, creating training and information opportunities from which Filtec will also benefit.

Upcoming Filtec events

These last months of 2024 are for Filtec full of events, which will see it involved in various leading trade fairs in the sector around the world. From 10 to 12 September, it will participate in the PRS Middle East & Africa scheduled in Dubai with a stand located at position P406. On 11 and 12 September, the company will participate in the Compounding World Expo Europe in Brussels, at stand C624. From 15 to 19 October, a company delegation will travel to Germany for the 2024 edition of Fakuma, a landmark event global for the processing of plastic materials. It will be possible to meet Filtec at stand A6-6405 in pavilion A6. From 4 to 7 December the company will close the year on a high note with Plast Eurasia scheduled in Istanbul, where it will exhibit at stand 1105A – Hall11.

In these prestigious events, Filtec will have the opportunity to interact with the main players in the plastic recycling sector, present its products and share its know-how. Furthermore, the company will make a virtual showroom available to visitors which will allow them to explore the machinery interactively, providing a detailed and realistic vision of the characteristics and potential of the systems.

In summary, thanks to tireless work oriented towards continuous improvement and a strong vocation for environmental sustainability, Filtec today represents Italian excellence with a global presence. Participation in international trade fairs, attention to recycling and the very high quality of the offer consolidate Filtec’s position as a leader in the sector of filtration and granulation of plastic materials.

Follow Filtec: LinkedIn, Facebook, Website

To stay updated on Filtec news, you can follow the company on LinkedIn and Facebook. These social platforms are constantly updated with information on events, product innovations and company initiatives. Furthermore, by visiting the website, you can learn more about the company, explore the full range of products and services offered and contact the team directly for any needs.